Coffee Shop
Those who have experienced the coffee shop opened at Rua do Gaibéu in 2022 will be happy to find it again at Rua Dr. Miguel Bombarda Street, Nº42 on the ground floor of the hotel.
Open to all, from breakfast time, for our French pastries, a 100% Arabica organic coffee, roasted gently, the teas of the Companhia Portugueza do Chá, the squeezed oranges of the Algarve...
You can also have lunch in this beautiful atmosphere of an old Portuguese café and buy the breads of Pão com Manteiga, naturally fermented, of which Casa Amor is the exclusive vendor in Olhão.
Lastly, the coffee shop offers our gourmet and artisanal selections: wines and champagnes, craft beers, homemade jams, teas, travel cakes, dishes with a red heart, cooking books, preserves from here and France: The ideal place to please yourself and the others.